por cima da mesa intacta o copo de leite magro a espessura do vidro frágil, de como ele se lamina sempre que o mordemos por engano o sangue a tinturar o branco e depois a torrada que de tão quente escurece, negra na torradeira velha logo pela manhã
(foto:m. qat - "no sex-milk")
(fotos: deranged - "the morning breaks so cold and gray" e "...the remnants and the ruins [w.a.]"
...vento a soprar de leste e um assomo de palavras que não dizes:
serei sempre esta acácia...
pétalas brancas a caminhar no mais escorregadio dos limos...
(foto:carol watson - "acacia")
mas afinal o que é que esperavas desde que entraste aqui?
não se entra por aqui adentro sem ficar com mazelas...
já te tinha avisado!
(foto:michael zaremba - "untitled")
segunda-feira, 19 de maio de 2008
"I have your good clothes in the car So cut your hair so no one knows I have your dreams and your teeth marks And all my fingernails are painted
I'm here to take you now
You were right about the end It didn't make a difference Everything I can remember I remember wrong
How can anybody know How they got to be this way You must have known I'd do this someday Break my arms around the one I love And be forgiven by the time my lover comes Break my arms around my love
Break my arms around the one I love And be forgiven by the time my lover comes Break my arms around my love
I don't have any questions I don't think it's gonna rain You were right about the end It didn't make a difference
I'm here to take you now
Out among the missing sons and daughters of the SoHo riots Out among the missing sons and daughters of the SoHo riots
"I'm here to take you now
How can anybody know how they got to be this way You must have known I'd do this someday Break my arms around the one I love And be forgiven by the time my lover comes Break my arms around my love
Break my arms around the one I love And be forgiven by the time my lover comes Break my arms around my love