quinta-feira, 9 de agosto de 2007

it's in our hands

"Look no further
Look no further
Look no further
Cruelest almost always to ourselves
It mustn't
Get any better
Ahhhhhh-ohh-ahh- off
It's in our hands
It always was
It's in our hands
In our hands
It's all here in our hands
It's all here in our hands
Well now aren't we scaring ourselves?
Aren't we trying to hard?
'Cause it's in our hands
It's in our hands
It's all here
It's in our hands
Look no further
Look no further
It's in our hands
It always was"

foto:grzegorz jablonski- "home incense factory")


2 comentários:

Mercúrio disse...

um reconhecimento para ti lá no meu canto ;)

Anónimo disse...

fenomenal!parabens mesmo!beijoca!